We are finalist in the Insulation Challenge

Together with our partners Nanotech Inside and Svenska Aerogel we have reached the final of the  Isolatie Uitdaging  (Insulation Challenge) which is an innovation competition being announced by three housing associations from Utrecht, The Netherlands.

The challenge is to offer an innovative solution for facade insulation with a high insulation value enabling low temperature heating, is affordable and can be applied with little inconvenience for the tenants.
Together with our partners we will present our Thermo-line insulating coatings and plasters with nanotechnology to both the expert jury and the public in DeFabrique in Utrecht on June 25, 2019. 
The three winners will be allocated EUR 20.000 each to test their innovation at social rental properties in Utrecht. If the test is successful, the concept will be applied in a pilot first, then on a large scale.

The finalist are presented here .If you like our solution just as much as we do we would appreciate if you could vote for us here.